I’ve long felt a frustration in my work as a psychologist. So many words, spinning an endless web. (It is “talk therapy” after all.)
Still, there are always those moments, when something just comes to me. I say it and it lands as a key opening a doorway in my client’s mind. I often think, where did that come from?!
Good question!
I’m not born to psychic mediumship. I had no deeply weird and wonderful talks with a grandparent who’d passed or an uncanny ability to read peoples’ minds. Pretty cool but this was not the course of my life. It was only much later that I discovered the subtle communications with Spirit.
Like a lot of people during the early days of Covid, I started devouring online courses. First it was all about Alchemy (that’ll be for another newsletter!). Next, I excitedly participated in a psychic development course, having always felt myself to be intuitive—the more scientific-sounding word for this kind of knowing without knowing how.
The final practice was a mediumship reading off a photo provided by my practice partner. I thought, what the heck?! Why not?!
And so, with a beginner’s mind (Zen speak, also a topic for later), I entered an imaginative space I had fostered during the class and much to my surprise, George entered.
George is the grandfather of my partner that I saw in my mind’s eye as he moved and shared information that I couldn’t possibly know. I knew these were not my thoughts, my fantasy. I am forever grateful to George for being so generous in opening this world to me.
After that, I went back to square one, wrestling with my expectations and preconceptions, facing my own uncertainties and fears. But the cat was out of the bag. I knew it was possible. I knew it was real.
I’ve often thought of myself as a snake shedding her skin—never holding long to any belief. So, I can’t tell you what it’s all about. Good news is that that’s not needed. In fact, beliefs only separate us further, no?
Mediumship is a deeply impactful practice in my life and work. It has opened my mind to receive rather than create. Like Zen practice, it shows me a way towards a direct experience of this journey we call life.
Until next time….