
Karin Connelly, PhD


Hello! I’m Karin Connelly, PhD
I’d like to offer you a way to relax, better trust yourself and feel empowered in your life.

Do the habitual feelings and beliefs about yourself and your potential keep interfering with your making the changes you want in your life?

Do the same interpersonal dynamics keep playing out in your relationships, even when that still small voice inside you clearly points in a better direction?

Is it hard to slow down and trust yourself enough to live more freely—to simply be relaxed and openhearted, experiencing life directly and in alignment with your purpose?

What’s getting in the way of your relaxing your own mind?

Anxiety or Self-Doubt
Fear of failure or disappointment
Anger or Frustration
Regret or Guilt
Deep Hurt, Isolation…

I offer a direction through the thoughts and feelings that do not serve you—beliefs and patterns that are often rooted in the past and perpetuated in the present.

This work begins with step-by-step guidance in helping you:

quiet the thinking mind,
discover the stillness of just being, and
freely access the deeper & receptive states of consciousness.

This shift in perspective can impact every area of your life.

I also offer a unique expression of hypnotic regression, called Archetypal Regression—deeply informed by my many years working as a Depth Psychologist. It’s a method that encourages you to rest in the openness of this moment, come into direct relationship with familiar interpersonal & universal dynamics, and recognize a way towards a greater sense of freedom, choice and ease.

When we’re receptive, we’re often more intuitive and trusting. Within this state of mind, we can better explore painful memories and feelings of loss or isolation… and become more open to the internal shifts and healing that are needed.

Regression is NOT PSYCHOTHERAPY—though it can be a powerful complement to clinical work.